Boneyard Beer

Boneyard Growler Fills

Yesterday, my wife asked me about Boneyard and whether or not we could fill up a growler with Girl Beer. She rarely craves beer, so I took it as an opportunity to go visit Boneyard for the first time. The short of it … good beer, good people, and on Wednesdays, an amazingly good deal!

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GABF Results – 2011

The Great American Beer Festival was held in Denver, Colorado last week. A significant festival component is the commercial beer competition, where breweries submit their beers for review by a professional panel. The results are in, and Bend was once again well-represented.

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Bend Oktoberfest

Bend Oktoberfest

In addition to the Sisters Fresh Hop Festival going on this weekend, the Bend Oktoberfest will be happening this Friday (today) and Saturday in downtown Bend.  The event is run by the Downtown Bend Business Association, and “benefits Downtown Bend beautification projects.”  This marks the 7th year for the Bend Oktoberfest, and there are plenty of…

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Sisters Fresh Hop Festival – 2011

This Saturday, September 24, is the Sisters Fresh Hop Festival.  Organized in conjunction with the Oregon Brewers Guild’s hop festivals held around the state, this marks the second year the Sisters Chamber of Commerce is holding this festival, and they hope to once again overshoot their attendance estimates.  Fresh hop beer festivals focus on beers…

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Deschutes Brewery Downtown Bend Pub Expansion

The Deschtues Brewery pub expansion in downtown Bend, Oregon is well underway and moving along rather quickly.  I had the opportunity to check out the construction from the inside last week and have to say that it’s looking fantastic.  The space is very open and will continue the theme of the existing pub throughout.  I’m…

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